The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors. 政府确信***袭击者的目的是想吓跑外国投资者。
So there is more talk aimed at Western public opinion to frighten people who would agree,'OK, we can give away Georgia, we don't know nothing much about Georgia, it's far off. 所以才会有许多针对西方舆论的讨论,希望让西方国家同意说,好吧,我们可以放弃格鲁吉亚,我们一点也不了解这个国家,太偏远了。
To protect the frighten the dragon away. 为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。
Leaving his clansmen and servants here to settle the business. A trifling matter like taking a Man's life wouldn't frighten him away. 他这里自有兄弟奴仆在此料理,也并非为此些些小事值得他一逃走的。
According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes ( wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away. 按照传统习俗,人们会dressupincostumes(穿戴一些特别的服装,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。
Well, I would not risk it. I was going to tell you a month ago-at the time you agreed to be mine, but I could not; I thought it might frighten you away from me. 所以我不敢轻易冒这个险,一个月前我就想告诉你了那个时候你答应嫁给我,不过我没有告诉你;我想,那会把你从我身边吓走的。
I thought it might frighten you away from me. 我想,那会把你从我身边吓走的。
Jamie Fox, 22, who recently graduated from Bangor University, will use a ukulele, accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk. 杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。
When you are out in nature it is important to speak softly so as not to frighten the animals away. 当你走进大自然最重要的是要小声说话,这样就不会吓跑动物。
He waved his torch to frighten away some animal, probably a hyena. 他挥舞火把,想把某头野兽很可能是一条土狼吓跑。
He strung the pieces of paper out to frighten birds away. 他把数张纸串在绳子上放出去吓鸟。
Which three letters can frighten a thief away? 哪三个字母能把小偷吓走?
An object in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds. 是一种人形的物体,用来吓唬鸟类,保护种子。
Be quiet or you'll frighten the deer away. 安静点,否则你要把鹿给吓跑了。
Chinese tradition says fireworks frighten evil spirits, drive away bad luck and attract the God of wealth. 中国传统认为烟花爆竹能避灾驱邪、招财进宝。
Status Offline Don't burn down your house to frighten the mouse away. 本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。
They decide to try their best to bring their parents together: they switch places, frighten Dad's girlfriend away and finally make it. 姐妹俩惊喜之余,决定尽一切努力撮合父母,包括对调身份、设计吓跑爸爸的女朋友等,最后终于使爸妈破镜重圆。
Wait quietly in an area where you can still see the traps without disturbing the cats, but not where the cats can see you or you will frighten them away. 安静地在你能仍然见到圈套的一个区域中等候没有烦扰的猫,但是不猫能哪里见到你或你将会惊吓他们离开。
In fact, before people realized how kind she was, they thought of her as a wicked witch and rang bells made of earthenware and blew glass trumpets to frighten her away. 实际上,在人们知道她心地善良之前,总是认为她是一个邪恶的女巫,总是摇陶铃或者吹喇叭来把她吓走。
Don't do that! You'll frighten the birds away. 别那样做!不然会把鸟惊飞的。
Thirdly, this will frighten away the other men: after all, you already have one by your side. 第三,这会把其它的男性吓跑:毕竟已经有一个人在你身边了。
Another important part of celebration was using light frighten away dark spirits. 庆典的另一个重要内容就是点火来吓跑黑暗中的魔鬼。
But David wasn't really interested in what his mother told him about how ancient Chinese lit fireworks to frighten away monsters during the Spring Festival. 可当她一说起古代中国人春节燃放焰火驱赶鬼怪的故事时,大卫便提不起兴趣来。
A word to fathers: don't frighten away your daughter's friends. 向父亲们进一言:别吓跑了你们女儿的朋友。
Sudden movements or noise can frighten a horse. A horse defends himself with strong teeth, sharp hoofs, and speed for running away from danger. 突然的动作或噪音会使马受到惊吓。马使用坚固的牙齿、尖锐的马蹄和迅速逃离危险的速度,进行自卫。
I do, I can only through their own ugly to frighten away the virus. 我怎么办,我只能通过自己的丑陋来吓走病毒了吧。
I've been thinking, my ugly will frighten away the herpes virus? 我内心一直在思考,我的丑陋会不会吓走疱疹病毒呢?
Of course, an over-experimental style which is impossible for people to understand might frighten away the audience. 当然,太过实验风格,让人看不懂的戏,也可能会把观众都吓跑。
Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits? 我们能以鞭炮驱邪,你相信吗?